Benchmarking Contract tour on London

We have enjoyed with 10 companies associated with CENFIM an inspiring trip to know the keys of the operative in the contract distribution channel (interior equipment for corporate clients) in the United Kingdom, on November 20 and 21.

In terms of contract, London is not only the capital of the United Kingdom, it is also the half of the world. At least, a large part of the world of Anglo-Saxon influence. The architecture firms of London are hired by corporations based in the Middle East, Asia and America, for jobs around the world. This great power of prescription makes possible that the most relevant brands are present and developing in the most attractive way possible its offer, both in punctual market place events (fairs and similar) and in permanent exhibition spaces showrooms.

The benchmarking program began with the visit to the reference event "The sleep & eat" with hospitality contract orientation where we met with the president of the UK interior designers school, a commercial agent, the event management and the product manager ICEX habitat in London. The afternoon of the first day was devoted to the visit of the showrooms of the Clenkerwell area: Porcelanosa, Andreu World and Vitra where they discussed the strategy of each company to access the prescription. The second day was devoted to showrooms in the Chelsea Harbor area: Designers Guild, Waterworks and Roca Gallery with well-differentiated market access strategies. The highlight was the visit to more than 150 top brand showrooms located in the Design Center. Throughout the benchmarking we enjoyed the ACCION staff company in London.

The participants in the benchmarking have been able to know first hand the operation of access to the prescription. The topics of debate have been: the changes in recent years for strategy to access the market (commercial agents vs. commercials themselves) and what are the advisable steps for a phased introduction in the market. The possibility of promoting a shared showroom between complementary brands and of which area of the capital would be the most appropriate has also been discussed.



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AMBIT realiza más de 100 actividades al año. Todas ellas están pensadas para beneficiar preferentemente a los socios.