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Training Materials

AMBIT has developed its own training materials co-financed through participation in projects by the European Commission and other public and private entities. These materials enable remote training for the employees of affiliated companies and are also available to training providers (under a licensing agreement).

Go to courses by theme: Digitalization, Design and Creativity, Circular Economy, Other Topics




Course to Improve Digital Skills of Workers in the Wood and Furniture Sector

Introductory course to Industry 4.0 specifically tailored to the wood and furniture sector. The course consists of five learning units (Industry 4.0, Software 4.0, Machinery 4.0, Manufacturing Management 4.0, and Circular Economy) and includes a total of twenty training modules.

Duration: 25 hours
Credits (ECVET): 1 credit
Languages: ES, EN, FR, HU, IT
Year: 2022


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Online Course to Enhance Your Additive Manufacturing Skills in the Habitat Sector

Online course on 3D Printing for the habitat sector and tool manufacturing industry, aimed at strengthening the technical and cross-functional skills and competencies of students, workers, and educators interested in these sectors.

Duration: 97 hours
Credits (ECVET): 3.9 credits
Language: EN
Year: 2022

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Training Course: "Digital Transformation Manager (DTM) for the Furniture Sector"

An interactive and innovative training course for professionals in the furniture sector and students (university and vocational school students) interested in digital transformation. This course aims to provide digital transformation managers with technical, technological, and managerial knowledge, as well as cross-functional skills for change management.

Duration: 70 hours
Credits (ECVET): 2.8 credits
Languages: ES, EN, FR, IT, PL, PT, RO
Year: 2021

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Online Course in Additive Manufacturing for Craftsmen and Artists in the Habitat Sector

An online course aimed at providing access to Additive Manufacturing technology for traditional manufacturing sectors and improving the digital skills of craftsmen and artists seeking to learn and acquire new skills in Digital Modeling and Additive Manufacturing.

Duration: 30 hours
Credits (ECVET): 1.2 credits
Languages: ES, EN, BG, IT, RO, SV
Year: 2021

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Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) for SMEs in the Food and Beverage, Wood and Furniture, Metal, and Electrical-Electronic Equipment Sectors

This course is designed for professionals in the food and beverage, wood and furniture, metal, and electrical-electronic equipment sectors to support them in acquiring skills and competencies for the adoption of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) in their businesses.

Duration: 35 hours
Credits (ECVET): 1.4 credits
Languages: ES, EN, FR, EL, PL
Year: 2020

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Course for the Implementation of e-Commerce in the Furniture and Habitat Sector

This course is designed for the professional profile of the 'online sales director' in companies, mainly SMEs in the sector (manufacturers and retailers), to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to lead winning e-Commerce strategies and practices in their company and increase cross-border sales using the Internet as a sales channel.

Duration: 30 hours
Credits (ECVET): 1.2 credits
Languages: ES, EN, EL, IT, PL
Year: 2018

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Design and creativity


Online Course: "Creativity and Entrepreneurship in the Furniture Sector"

A training course designed for professionals in the furniture industry to acquire the necessary skills and competencies for developing sustainable creativity and innovation in their projects.

Duration: 30 hours
Credits (ECVET): 1.2 credits
Languages: ES, EN, CS, EL, IT, PT, RO
Year: 2021

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Advanced Online Course: "Design for Sustainability in the Manufacturing Sector"

An advanced course designed to train designers with the social, digital, and sustainable skills necessary to address new market trends and needs, as well as to drive and catalyze innovation in manufacturing companies.

Duration: 500 hours
Credits (ECVET): 20 credits
Languages: ES, EN, IT, PL, RO
Year: 2022

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Circular economy


Process Management Course for the Design of an Integrated Management System in SMEs Manufacturing Furniture and other Habitat Products

This training course meets the need for educational resources to assist technicians in the furniture and habitat sector companies in designing and implementing an Integrated Management System (IMS) based on Process Management.

Duration: 35 hours
Credits (ECVET): 1.4 credits
Languages: ES, EN, CS, FR, IT, PL
Year: 2021

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Circular business training for the furniture and woodworking sectors

This course aims to create innovative educational content to promote the integration of Circular Economy Principles within the different business models on which the furniture and office and contract specialized wood sectors are currently based.

Duration: 75 hours
Credits (ECVET): 3 credits
Languages: ES, EN, DE, FI, FR
Year: 2020

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Other thematics


Online Training Course on Basic Furniture Knowledge and Languages

The purpose of this course is to enhance the appeal of the furniture sector to young individuals and facilitate the mobility of workers into the sector, both from other industries and other countries of origin.

Duration: 37 hours
Credits (ECVET): 1.5 credits
Languages: ES, EN, CS, DE, FR, IT, PL
Year: 2021

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Empowerment and Professional Leadership Course for Women in Traditional Manufacturing Sectors

This course provides women with the opportunity to acquire skills and competencies that will enhance their management capabilities, thereby promoting gender equality and the advancement of women in European society.

Duration: 100 hours
Credits (ECVET): 4 credits
Languages: ES, EN, LT, RO
Year: 2019

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