The Delegate Committee is responsible for strategic management, operational supervision and providing support for the technical team.
The members of the Delegate Committee represent the cluster’s value chain and AMBIT’s member companies. There are representatives from manufacturers specializing in different aspects of interior furnishings, suppliers and retailers.
The members of the Delegate Committee assigns areas of responsibility within AMBIT to the Trustees in view of their capacity for the role based on their experience and their company’s specialist activities:
- Mr. Marc Barreno Sabaté (Barinsa), President
- Mr. David Circuns Sánchez (Planning Sisplamo), Vice-president
- Mr. Josep Ferré Estorach (Madersénia)
- Mr. Anton Bentanachs Bernada (Arquetypo)
- Mr. Enric Ros Gené (Mobles Ros)
- Mr. Albano Moreno Ventura (Kave home, Grup Julia)
- Mr. Carlos Mengual Digón (Ferreteria Mengual)
- Mr. Manuel Gancedo Puig de la Bellacasa (Gancedo)
- Mr. Enric Espinal Gil (Carintec, Grupo Carinbisa)
Guests at the Delegate Comittee:
- Mr. Josep Maria Sans Esplugas (Kriskadecor)
- Mrs. Marta Masdeu Bosch (Estiluz)
- Mr. Joan Estellé Català (Parquets Estellé)
- Mr. Joaquim Solana Monleón, AMBIT's Clúster manager
- Mrs. Maria Janssen Fernández-Goula, technician of relationships with the cluster ACCIO