Interiors Living Lab

Interiors Living Lab: Experimentation and co-creation of interior design spaces in virtual and real environments


The purpose of the Interiors Living Lab or Laboratori d'hàbitat is to enable the measurement of the user's behavior of real spaces according to the configuration of their interior design: types of product used, location, colors, lighting...

The Lab non-invasive methodologies and technologies that enable the detection and analysis of users' biometric response in order to identify their emotions and variations in behavior.

Big data analysis allows space managers to modify interior design in order to simulate a change in user behavior and increase the efficiency oh that space. In medical settings the efficiency of a space can be measured in terms of induction of relaxation (children before consultation) or speed of recovery in postoperative. In corporate environments, the efficiency of a space can improve the type of interaction that is intended for employees. In terms of a tourist establishment, the joy or stimulus of consumption.

The technologies of the Interiors Living Lab are applicable to any space that can be monitored: hotels, hospitals, schools, offices... and the procedure used is designed to respect the right to privacy of users.

The focus of the lab in the initial phase has focused on hotel spaces. The data obtained allow the co-creation of a space with the entire value chain: product and brand designers, interior designers and managers of spaces (hotels).


Applicable results for companies

Interiors Living Lab will help companies to:

  • Brands and product designers: experimenting with products in real spaces as a tool for design thinking (testing)
  • Interior designers: support in the decision of the interior design of a space
  • Space managers and promoters: maximazing the efficiency of a space based on the reconfiguration of its interior design
  • Take advantage of the applicable technology in both visualization and data analysis, within reach.




Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union, within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020. Investment objective in growth and occupation. Coordinated intervention initiative PECT TurisTIC in family, operation "Op. 11 Habitat Laboratory".

The total investment of the project is 441.076,20 € of wich 220.538,10 € are supported by the FEDER funds.

The thematic objective of this project is: "OT1. Promote research, technological development and innovation"

The indicators for evaluating the results are the following:

- Number of companies cooperating with research centers

- Percentage of companies which make technological innovations

with the support of:







List of minor contracts
