PECT EbreBioterritori

Identification, characterization and communication of product sustainability attributes for habitat companies


The objective of the project is to provide AMBIT cluster habitat companies with the knowledge, tools and resources necessary to effectively communicate the sustainability attributes of their products.

In a more concrete and operational way, the following objectives are proposed:

  • Identify and characterize the priority habitat product sustainability attributes to be communicated.
  • Develop tools and resources for communicating the sustainability attributes of the habitat product.
  • Transfer the acquired knowledge and the generated tools/resources to AMBIT cluster companies.

The thematic objective of this project is: "TO3. Improve the competitiveness of SMEs, the agricultural sector (in the case of the EAFRD) and the fisheries and aquaculture sector (in the case of the EMFF)"

The indicators for evaluating the results are the following:

  • Companies impacted for actions to raise awareness, dynamization, awareness.
  • Total amount of eligible expenditure entered into the AC system and certified according to art. 126.c of RDC.
  • Jobs created linked to the project.


Results transferable to companies

The main results expected are the following:

  • Analysis of trends in product design sustainability: 10 trend reports.
  • Development of a software tool that allows habitat companies to self-diagnose their current situation in terms of sustainability attributes.
  • Drafting of a manual for the communication of the sustainability of the habitat product.
  • Holding 4 training workshops for companies and other actors within the value chain.
  • Carrying out 5 pilots in habitat companies in order to deploy their communications regarding sustainability.




Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union, within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020. Investment objective in growth and occupation. PECT EbreBioterritori coordinated intervention initiative, operation "Op.6. Identification, characterization and communication of product sustainability attributes for habitat companies". Thematic objective: "OT3. Improve the competitiveness of SMEs, the agricultural sector (in the case of the EAFRD) and the fisheries and aquaculture sector (in the case of the EMFF) "

The total eligible investment of the project is 435,502.11€, of which 217,751.06€ is financed by the ERDF fund.

with the support of:


List of minor contracts
